We Tell It To Our Children


A Haggadah For Seders With Young Children

By Mary Ann Barrows Wark - Illustrations By Craig Oskow

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Sample Pages From The Book

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Difficult concepts like slavery get action, songs and pictures. Lyrics respond to children's thinking while tackling complicated issues surrounding freedom. Everyone participates in singing throughout the service. Ceremonial features are sensitively handled at the appropriate time in the story. For example, on the next page bitter herbs are introduced.

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The drawings clearly illustrate the emotions of the Biblical characters. The Judaically – meaningful lyrics are natural for the very youngest. The dramatic perspective helps children follow the story.

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This story starts out from a child's point of view – Moses as a child. The dramatic format reduces confusion about ideas and feelings. The drawings make you feel close-up and part of the action.

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This story starts out from a child's point of view – Moses as a child. The dramatic format reduces confusion about ideas and feelings. The drawings make you feel close-up and part of the action.

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New gender sensitive blessings in the Second Edition.

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